Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Indian wisdom

 Most of the scientific research takeaways are well known indian wisdom. Alas the ladt two generations were not explained 'why', our gen has the benefit of science corroborating things with an eureka moment! Take few items below-

A) indian squatting toilet helps with better stoole excretion due to optimum pressure on intestines.

B) sitting cross legged even 30mins a day can help keep ling term back /neck pain in abeyance 

C) eating home cooked meals helps to contain obesity and diseases. This confirmed with proliferation of upf.

D)indian spices like pepper curcumin hing help boost immunity nd keep carcinogens at bay. Great example - rasam!

E) probiotics rich food like idly , batter, yogurt , buttermilk boost good gut bacteria.

F) sleeping early nd rising with sun boosts insulin , melatonin secretion and aligns with circadian rhythm.

G) fasting as a way of life is both spiritual and body cleanser - ekadasi sivaratri has very real meaning.

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