Thursday, January 02, 2020

2020 new and improved decade!

This decade may we take inspiration from the free flowing mighty River in simple ways!

1 karma yoga - keep doing and running things which you should , don't slack or stop due to obstacle's or self doubt. Don't work for results it will come and Lord is with you as you shape your own destiny. Fresh running river symbolizes this.

2. Learning constantly - like the river every day , every moment keep it fresh be prepared learn constantly and challenge assumptions and unlearn if necessary. Reading new every day to better yourself is important.This automatically builds humility and growth mindset.

3. Community - the river lives for the benefit of others. Always think of others with empathy , kindness , sacrifice yourself for the community that is the greatest self worth there is . No one likes to listen to a self selling person , sell yourself only when challenged or worse put down . charity , empathy , kindness goes a long way in defining purpose in life.  Legacy builds automatically the more you give .

4. Recycle - toxicity creeps into human mind like garbage in river . The fresh flow should keep the mind open from biases and negativity - wish only the best for everyone be it dear near or a supposed enemy. This applies to resetting your own ahangara thinking you are no one in the wider cosmos. Take things lightly forgive and forget if necessary.(
`Inna Seidharai Oruthal, Avar Naana Nannayam Seidhuvidal’ (doing good to a person who troubled you is the way to punish the person) is the couplet which inspired Tolstoy and through him Gandhi, to take to the path of non-violence.)
5. Health and wellness - all of the above is possible only if we take care of ourselves . Be disciplined , stick to fitness and dietery routines . The river does not alter course's and keeps recycling fresh water . It is important not to decay .