Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Fasting takeaways

 First few days are hard but persevere and keep disciplined. 3 meals is ok 2 is best and a feeding window of not more than 8 hrs.

I m right now experimenting 9 am to 5 pm (approx) its pretty scientific as it covers dawn to dusk as well - giving insulin enough time to digest and growth hormone/melatonin enough hours to do its recovery.

Exercises is ok in both fasting or eating window as long as its 2 hrs gap from feed.

Realize there are immediate benefits like positivity, more energy to do work, feel lighter and fitter. Also weight loss is a slow but sure burn look out for those lbs every week. This i find most sustainable and eventually once its a habit you can regulate calorie intake and sleep too which complete the circadian rhythm. All the best!

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