Thursday, January 18, 2024

Yoga for sport

As we continue the wellness journey - adding yoga to any sport routine is a life saver. i notice my running niggles are coming down with stretching two three times a week. recommend adrienne yoga videos in youtube , easy to follow and well articulated. what applies to running is true for any sport cycling, badminton, soccer etc.

Monday, January 01, 2024

2024 focus

 Key aspect for happiness and well being is socializing.  Do not wait to seek help or help others we are evolved to be extremely social. Hence any collaboration gives immense satisfaction.  Fill your buckets and ensure you fill others buckets altruistically. Ensure you keep in touch with everyone without ego. Remember being welcoming and expanding horizons by connecting others is only going to make your buckets bigger. 

Loka samastha sugino bhavanthu! Forgive every mistake and move fwd collectively!