We live in a world that cherishes and sadly revels in negativity .
People's psychology especially those suffering themselves is to pull others down 3 hints to beware. Excerpts from 'Pscychology of persuasion ' book which were major takeaways for me :
A) Put you down on things you are definitely good at and you know you are actually good at.They can also hardly notice the effort or acknowledge these. Slowly you start believing you are merely average and stop trying to better yourself , atleast that is their motive.
B) spew negativity about things or ppl you like and want very much to be in your life . Soon you can get manipulated to only see the 'bad ' parts . Stop getting into the bad aspects and psycho analyzing things .
C) Feed off a) and b) and build a narrative with long term gains for them as protagonists.Eg- They can tap into things you are losing slowly but surely. The loop intensifies and goes on.
How to deal with these? A lot of things they are negatively putting you down is a direct consequence of their own insecurities! Understand this by thinking through thoroughly rather than get swept by the negative emotions.
Try to give benefit of doubt and see positives in ppl. Try not to hurt anyone esp. with words as they can be very damaging. Whenever you are going into a spiral take a step back play things down and see if these mean much from long perspective.
Right until next time..
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