we are at that juncture again ,staring at the polls not far from now and it is high time we list out the several achievements that this govt has successfully meted out and the several challenges we ve managed to scale.Surely the Grandest of em all will be the conclusion of the historic ground breaking N-deal with the US with the govt spending every ounce of its entire 5 yr term solely dedicated to this and successfully withstanding a massive no confidence motion in the process against all odds.The revoking of the 'draconian’ POTA law is right up there as well,it was being grossly misused and even more importantly preventing people from expressing their true spirit..we must first salute the solidarity and spirit of the people of Ahmedabad, Delhi,Jaipur,Hyderabad and Bengaluru who remained unruffled in the face of repeated acts of cowardice.The abolition of POTA thereby gives more such cities that opportunity to express their 'spirit' and, perphaps show the perpetrators of violence that a few serial blasts will not affect normalcy in any way ..The fact that all these cities were up and running barely hours after the blasts is testament to that spirit and character
The most people friendly budget in probably the last 10 yrs was also rolled out this yr..The loan waiver will no doubt be a huge relief for the farmers and the rural sector in general and go a long way in preventing the plethora of suicides in many parts of the nation, that farmers owning more than 2 hectares of land will not come under the purview and hence Vidarba farmers –r missing out is largely unforeseen and ironical, but plenty to cheer otherwise.Fears have gripped the market with crashes in the investment banking sector- post 'subprime' crisis, but I assure you that Indian banks are completely under control after all we have pumped up adequate liquidity and yeah the bear is changing to bull.. we are definitely getting there ..
We have always believed that safeguarding the minority interests s paramount and so am unable to understand as to y the failure to contain the communal violence in Orissa and Karnataka ,both saffron ruled states are being attributed to us?(we are after all jus in the centre),the fracas over Amarnath issue was also another political blame-game and nothing more.
The threat of the DMK MPs to resign if the govt doesn’t look into the srilankan tamils issue is completely justified (even though one suspects this threat has come a lil too late) we cannot question y they remained mum for the last 4 yrs to rake up this all of a sudden coz after all v cannot afford to lose em like the communists(political dharma remains intact )
Yeah 'chandrayaan' has a probe for checking water in the moon meaning the water pbm of the aam admi per se s taken care of long term..
Diwali is round the corner, so wat does one expect ..??
A Bomb in the closet possibly...Nah not joking ..
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